The exhibition is wonderful. The paintings are predominantly from the Mellon Collection. A short video at the beginning of the exhibition gives an interesting, and intimate insight into Andrew Mellon and his children who were also ardent collectors: Ailsa Mellon Bruce and Paul Mellon.
The exhibition presents small scale paintings which were meant to be more personal rather than the usual large scale paintings of the Impressionists and Post-Impressionists. The paintings from the Mellon selections are drawn from the collections of both Ailsa Mellon Bruce and Paul Mellon.
Shown below is a sampling of the paintings in the exhibition. SAM does permit you to photograph many areas of the museum including this special visiting exhibit. SAM also permits the images to be shared for personal use in a Blog or similar online.
The exhibit runs until January 10, 2015. Contact SAM directly for the times and cost...

Ailsa Mellon Bruce